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CAPTCHAs.IO Reseller API - Start Your Own CAPTCHA Solver

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:00 pm
by submitia

The Reseller API is a RestFul Web Service API that serves users for white-labelling CAPTCHAs.IO offered services. The API offers methods that provides a way for our services to be catered to resellers wanting to offer CAPTCHA solving service to end-users at their own logo.


- CAPTCHAs.IO Reseller Account - Register and create an account at
- - is free to join and a very convenient payment solution.


- Pay as you go payment scheme.
- Unlimited daily solving.
- Base price rate is $1 per 1000 per 1000 reCAPTCHAs, $0.5 per 1000 images and $0.7 per 1000 audio captchas.
- Supports image, reCAPTCHA, and audio captchas.

Complete CAPTCHA Solving Service Website

We can create for you a complete CAPTCHA solving web service website solution that accepts customers and has its very own API. Please email or contact Glenn through skype: isnare.glenn