My GitHub Fork

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My GitHub Fork

Postby creaoticx » Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:25 am

As I mentioned in my last post I submitted a pull request to for my fork. I figured I'd come here and give a little more explanation for what I'm doing.

All I started out wanting to do was to write a plugin to incorporate more information into the scoring algorithm. After digging into the code I couldn't find a way to tie into the main scanning of a page, so I started pulling ideas from Wordpress to make this easier to do. Specifically I added action and filter hooks and meta data for reports, projects, and websites. I also pulled a few programs from other Github repositories to simplify php and url parsing. I also added a function that now allows plugins to include a load.php file that loads on every page load so the plugin can take actions during the running of the main program rather than being regulated to it's own area.

All of that was prior to my pull request. This weekend I reworked the scoring system to make it more dynamic. I created an abstract Score class that children can be created from. Each child handles calculating it's own score. The way I worked it the score has to be between -1 and 1. Then each child has a weight to factor for how important it is to the scoring system. On my TODO list is creating a page that loads all ranking factors and allows the user to change the weights based on how important they think they are.

This new scoring system allows for additional scoring factors to be easily added by either the core development team or by individual developers through plugins. It also allows the user more control over determining which ranking factors they think are the most important. I also built the system to allow for scoring factors to be added for areas other than individual pages. My first thought was domain ranking factors such as https or domain age, but I haven't incorporated that into the project scoring yet. However the system could be expanded to anything such as social media account scoring.

In addition to finishing up the few things I mentioned above, my next plan is to start adding ranking factors. I have a list of them including Google Pagespeed score, word count, image count, etc. that are what I originally wanted to add.

If anyone has any thoughts let me know. Thanks.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:28 pm

Re: My GitHub Fork

Postby andy123 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:08 am

Thanks for sharing the information about the GitHub fork.
Posts: 354
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:57 am
Location: India

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